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Saturday, March 19, 2011

...He'll probably want a good reason for a debut post.

It's the inevitable. Spring Break is coming to an end whether we like it or not. Therefore, I try to cram in as many things that I wanted to do at this time.

On a totally different note, I'm trying to be more social on the net for Lent. Unfortunately, I haven't updated my status since the 2000 millennium party, haven't tweeted in a week, so I technically (no pun intended) have failed to challenge myself for Lent. Exempting the to-hard-to-be-true (pun intended) level I cannot pass in this Wii game. Alas, I have gotten enough time to get this blog up! Hip Hip Hooray!



  1. he's back in the blogosphere yee ha!!!

  2. Way to go, Max. I can't wait to see what you write about over here!

  3. I want to see what you have to say, as well.

  4. Well, consider what I have to say heard! I'm trying to post daily, and after Spring Break that's a slight pipe dream for me...
